• Original research article
  • September 1, 2014
  • Open access



The article identifies a dichotomic dependence of the structure of philosophical and artistic discourse on the alternative planes of subject narration in the novels by I. Murdoch. Analytical reconstruction of the unified genre model according to the typological similarity of the forms of the chosen literary works allows to identify the vital importance of parallel lines of narrative for developing shape-generating structures capable of carrying an important meaning. Comparative analysis of the identified lines at the level of an objective basis of each of the novels and its subsequent ideological superstructure results in the conclusion that the principle of antithesis which the parallel biographies are based on has a goal to reduce different subjective conceptions to the common conception of truth in the light of the acquired experience.


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Author information

Alla Karimovna ISLAMOVA

Saint Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 1, 2014.


  • параллельные жизнеописания
  • сравнительные биографии
  • порядок дискурса
  • архитектоника романа
  • дихотомические параметры жанровой формы
  • закон художественного единства
  • этический принцип целостности бытия
  • parallel biographies
  • comparative biographies
  • discourse structure
  • architectonics of a novel
  • dichotomic parameters of a genre form
  • principle of artistic integrity
  • ethical principle of integrity of existence


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