• Original research article
  • September 12, 2014
  • Open access



The article reveals the content of the notion “pseudo-participle”. This notion is known from the early stages of the German language development for that it is involved in the formation of verbs from nominal stems, and as a result it keeps getting more and more expansion in the German language. There are several models of denominative verbs formation that are implied in the human consciousness and implemented in pseudo-participial formations. Pseudo-participles are lexical units formed by the model of Participle II from noun stems and often have definite lexical and stylistic markedness due to their uncommonness. The creation of such formations occurs by analogy, i.e. there are certain models of verbs in the consciousness so that this type of pseudo-participles is formed by analogy with the verbal forms.


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Author information

Marina Gennad'evna Gadzhimuradova

Gadzhimuradova Marina Gennad'evna

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 12, 2014.


  • отыменные глаголы
  • псевдопричастные образования
  • аналогия
  • префикс be-
  • словопроизводство
  • сложное слово
  • denominative verbs
  • pseudo-participial formations
  • analogy
  • prefix be-
  • word formation
  • compound word


© 2014 The Author(s)
© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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