• Original research article
  • September 20, 2014
  • Open access



The article is devoted to investigating the influence of Samuel Richardson on the formation of a French epistolary novel. The paper examines the problem of developing psychological novel, reasons for introducing it in a form of a letter, reveals the methods for representing the reality used by Richardson and his French followers. Within the framework of the article the author presents a brief reference to the founder of the literature of English Enlightenment - D. Defoe and to Richardson’s contemporaries - T. Smollett and H. Fielding who chose the alternative way of novel development.


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Author information

Vera Vladimirovna Zinov'eva

Moscow State Regional Institute of Humanities

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 20, 2014.


  • Ричардсон
  • Руссо
  • Лакло
  • XVIII век
  • эпистолярный роман
  • традиции сентиментализма и реализма в романе «Опасные связи»
  • Richardson
  • Rousseau
  • Laclos
  • XVIII century
  • epistolary novel
  • the traditions of sentimentalism and realism in the novel “The Dangerous Liaisons”


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