• Original research article
  • October 14, 2014
  • Open access



The article examines the factors stimulating the realization of pragmatic meaning of affix derivatives. For this purpose the author analyzes the word-formative models which are characterized by irregular nature of actualizing pragmatic meaning. The researcher concludes that the basic source of various meanings and pragmatic shades of meanings of the derivatives is a polysemy of motivating bases and differences in the interpretation of the fragments of the picture of the world by the participants of communication.


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Author information

Irina Gennad'evna Ishchenko

Amur State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 14, 2014.


  • прагматический компонент значения
  • когнитивный компонент значения
  • идиоматичный дериват
  • неидиоматичный дериват
  • словообразовательная модель
  • мотивирующая основа
  • словообразующий формант
  • pragmatic component of meaning: cognitive component of meaning
  • idiomatic derivative
  • non-idiomatic derivative
  • word-formative model
  • motivating base
  • word-formative formant


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