• Original research article
  • October 14, 2014
  • Open access



M. Yu. Lermontov's natural philosophy revolves around the single center, and this center is a human with his complicated inner feelings, desires, aspirations, awareness of his place in the world, with his weaknesses and shortcomings, even defects and at the same time with the ability to raise his spirit. The poet's reflections of a person were always joined with the theme of time, the attempt to compare and realize the short duration of human life and the unboundedness of the universal being.


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Author information

Lyubov' Vladimirovna Ryzhkova-Grishina

Moscow Psychologic-Social University (Branch) in Ryazan

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 14, 2014.


  • натурфилософия
  • М. Ю. Лермонтов
  • В. Г. Белинский
  • А. А. Блок
  • И. А. Бунин
  • психологизм
  • человек
  • внутренний мир
  • время
  • вечность
  • natural philosophy
  • M. Yu. Lermontov
  • V. G. Belinsky
  • A. А. Blok
  • I. A. Bunin
  • psychologism
  • human
  • the inner world
  • time
  • eternity


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