• Original research article
  • October 14, 2014
  • Open access



The article examines the problem of using dialecticisms in the verbal characteristics of personages-infants; the author reveals the correlation between the markers of a dialect in the represented children’s speech and vigorous dialects, analyzes the possibility for stylization of dialectal features of a speech for creating the verbal portrait of a child. The goal of the paper is to identify differences in the use of dialect markers by children and grown-ups within the framework of a certain piece of literature; to clarify whether the authors use in the speech of personages-children the features of a properly childish communicative sphere simultaneously with the use of dialect markers.


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Author information

Kseniya Viktorovna Solntseva

National Research Nuclear University (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 14, 2014.


  • диалектная черта
  • диалектизм
  • маркер
  • речевая характеристика персонажа
  • абсолютная специфическая черта речи
  • относительная специфическая черта речи
  • dialect feature
  • dialecticism
  • marker
  • verbal characteristics of a personage
  • absolute specific feature of a speech
  • relative specific feature of a speech


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