• Original research article
  • November 19, 2014
  • Open access



The article considers the metaphorical features of the implementation of the individual concept “Geist” of elitist language personality F. Nietzsche taking into account their unique figurative semantic meaning. A metaphor acts as the major means of expression that identifies the concept “Geist” and allows judging about the relevance of the existence of an individual nominative system of reality signification by the German philosopher with a unique emotional connotation forming ambivalent attitude of the scientist to a man in contemporary culture.


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Author information

Ol'ga Sergeevna Makarova

Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 19, 2014.


  • лингвокультурология
  • лингвоаксиология
  • индивидуально-авторские концепты
  • элитарная языковая личность
  • метафора
  • метафорические номинации
  • linguo-culturology
  • linguo-axiology
  • individual-authorial concepts
  • elitist language personality
  • metaphor
  • metaphorical nominations


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© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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