• Original research article
  • February 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the phenomenon of escapism in advertising tourist narrative. Tourist narrative acts as a cultural catalyst of escapism, actualizes human desire to find a way out of everyday life, and offers the possibilities of realization of desire in the future. As the analysis of the material has shown, tourist narrative constructs the reality of consumption through various ideologemes of escapism, creates a mythological vision of the world, namely the world of local interest - the mythological model of travel, which is worth striving for.


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  2. Греков М. А. Феномен эскапизма в медианасыщенном обществе: автореф. дисс.. к. филос. н. Омск, 2008. 18 с.
  3. Додонов Б. И. Эмоция как ценность. М.: Политиздат, 1978. 272 с.
  4. Меньшикова Е. Е. Мифы и мифологемы туристического нарратива // Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. Тамбов: Грамота, 2011. № 3 (10). С. 98-101.
  5. http://www.ch-tour.ru/individualnye_tury/klassicheskij_otdyx/gornye_lyzhi
  6. http://www.gltour.ru/geo/polynesia/
  7. http://www.gltour.ru/geo/seychelles/
  8. http://www.sodis.ru/disp?id=426494&s=typetravel

Author information

Ekaterina Evgen'evna Men'shikova

Eurasian Linguistic University, Moscow State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 1, 2015.


  • рекламный туристический нарратив
  • идеологема
  • эскапизм
  • символическое пространство потребления
  • мифологическое видение мира
  • advertising tourist narrative
  • ideologeme
  • escapism
  • symbolic space of consumption
  • mythological vision of the world


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© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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