• Original research article
  • March 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article deals with the phenomenon of homonymy, characteristic of the semantic structure of term as a language unit for special purposes and everyday language. It is noted that such economy of expressive means, mainly typical of English, is a negative factor for the functioning of terminologies and mainly for the preparation of text corpora and terminology databases. Particular attention is paid to the beginnings of this phenomenon in the language for special purposes and the influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors on the process of acquiring of new meanings by lexemes.


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Author information

Nataliya Sergeevna Nikolaeva

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2015.


  • омонимия
  • звукобуквенное оформление
  • лексическое значение
  • понятийное значение
  • английский язык для специальных целей
  • homonymy
  • sound-letter typography
  • lexical meaning
  • conceptual meaning
  • English for special purposes


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