• Original research article
  • April 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article presents the comparative analysis of functional-semantic properties of extreme and non-extreme evaluations. Theoretical premises for considering extreme evaluation as a separate functional-semantic category are distinguished. The semantic and syntactic structures of original “extreme evaluative expression” are described. The author emphasizes the importance of describing the extreme evaluation as a separately expressed language subsystem in terms of its structural and pragmatic functioning in speech.


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  4. Маркелова Т. В. Прагматика и семантика средств выражения оценки в русском языке: монография. М.: МГУП имени Ивана Фёдорова, 2013. 300 c.
  5. Трипольская Т. А. Эмотивно-оценочный дискурс: когнитивный и прагматический аспекты. Новосибирск: НГПУ, 1999. 165 с.
  6. Ayckbourn A. Way Upstream: A Play. London: Samuel French, 1983. 95 p.
  7. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Third Edition. Pearson, 2000.
  8. Macmillan Dictionary [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://macmillandictionary.com (дата обращения: 06.02.2015).
  9. Pinero A. W. The Gay Lord Quex: A Comedy in Four Acts. London: William Heinemann, 1903. 226 p.
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Author information

Mark Yakovlevich Blokh

Moscow State Pedagogical University

Yuliya Ivanovna Koshman

Moscow State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 1, 2015.


  • предельная оценка (extreme evaluation)
  • непредельная оценка
  • градация
  • экспрессивность
  • интенсивность
  • предельно-оценочное высказывание
  • extreme evaluation
  • non-extreme evaluation
  • gradation
  • expressivity
  • intensity
  • extreme evaluative expression


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© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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