• Original research article
  • April 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article describes the spatial and ethical parameters of a world outlook represented in the semantics of phraseological units of the Middle German and New High German. Under analysis are the phraseological units with the meaning “one's own” (Haus), “alien“ (Fremde, Wald, Elend), “marginal space” ( Dach, Tür, Tor) and also phraseological units semantics of which represents the conception of the society, criticism and condemnation of the negative qualities and traits of a personality, blaming the social evils, mocking the weaknesses and praising the virtues, strong aspects of an individual, his readiness for kind gestures, rigor in the education of children.


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Author information

Elena Gennad'evna Koshkina

National Research University “Higher School of Economics”

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 1, 2015.


  • языковая картина мира
  • пространственный и этический параметры картины мира
  • средневерхненемецкая и нововерхненемецкая фразеология
  • анализ семантики фразеологических единиц
  • «свое»
  • «чужое»
  • «пограничное пространство»
  • фразеологизмы с оценкой нравственных качеств человека и общества
  • linguistic picture of the world
  • spatial and ethical parameters of the world outlook
  • Middle High German and New High German phraseology
  • analysis of the semantics of phraseological units
  • “one’s own”
  • “alien”
  • “marginal space”
  • phraseological units evaluating the moral qualities of an individual and a society


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