• Original research article
  • June 10, 2015
  • Open access



The article aims to study the food names in the language of the written monuments of the golden Horde period. The author introduces into the scientific circle the whole stratum of thematic and everyday vocabulary from the medieval literary works, presents new information on the adoption of the names of the cereals, leguminous and garden plants, names of the foods of animal origin, dairy products, beverages. The findings allowed concluding on the linguistic means of the old Tatar language for nomination of the objects of material culture. Food names belong to the most archaic vocabulary; Arabo-Persian borrowings are used as synonyms or form an exotic subgroup in the mentioned lexico-semantic group.


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Author information

Fanuza Shakurovna Nurieva

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 10, 2015.


  • золотоордынский
  • памятники
  • лексика
  • наименования
  • пища
  • зерновые
  • продукты
  • golden Horde
  • monuments
  • vocabulary
  • names
  • food
  • cereals
  • products


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© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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