• Original research article
  • June 20, 2015
  • Open access



The paper focuses on the consonant system of the English language in the dynamic aspect. The author abandons the doctrine of the orthodox linguistics on the rigidity of consonantism in favour of the principle of diachronic renovation of the language subsystems which at the phonological and phonotactic levels is secured by, in particular, instability of the consonant combinations; intra-linguistic motivation of their decomposition in the consonant system is determined, according to the research, by the violation of the principle of sonority in the syllable and by the marked nature of the clusters.


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Author information

Elena Sergeevna Gorodova

Moscow State Regional University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 20, 2015.


  • консонантизм
  • кластеры согласных
  • маркированность
  • немаркированность
  • шкала сонорности
  • бинарные оппозиции
  • consonantism
  • clusters of consonants
  • markedness
  • non-markedness
  • sonority scale
  • binary oppositions


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