• Original research article
  • June 20, 2015
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the analysis and theoretical comprehension of the specificity of realizing the interrelationship category with the nouns with a modified meaning expressed by the German article. It is revealed that the shifting of the lexical meaning of the noun in the framework of one semantic subclass doesn’t influence the character of using the article with it. However if the modification of the lexical meaning of the noun transposes it from one semantic subclass into another, the article usage will be regulated by the principles of the functioning of the interrelationship category which are inherent to the this lexical-grammatical category of nouns.


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Author information

Yuliya Nikolaevna Goryunova

Volgograd State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 20, 2015.


  • артикль
  • категория соотнесенности
  • лексико-грамматические разряды имен существительных
  • модификация значения
  • транспозиция
  • article
  • the category of interrelationship
  • lexical-grammatical category of nouns
  • the modification of meaning
  • transposition


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© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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