• Original research article
  • November 1, 2015
  • Open access



The article examines the results of a semantic analysis of an Italian approximator «quasi» and a number of its synonyms in the aspect of the meaning of truth. By the term “approximator” those language units in the text are understood, which irrespective of a grammatical meaning transmit evaluation of a described situation to speakers as of not corresponding nomination given to them. The analysis is done in the framework of the methodology of the Moscow Semantic School (MSS). Similarities and differences of synonyms respond to testing by their interchangeability. For the analysis the examples have been chosen from the electronic corpus of the written Italian language CORIS/CODIS of the Bologna University and from the personal author’s corpus. The author’s corpus consists of sample from five hundred and twelve literary works of the XX century by a hundred and six writers.


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Author information

Simona Merkantini

Moscow City Teacher Training University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 1, 2015.


  • итальянский язык
  • аппроксимация
  • аппроксиматор
  • синонимы
  • предел
  • истинностное значение
  • quasi
  • pressoché
  • poco meno
  • a momenti
  • per poco non
  • the Italian language
  • approximation
  • approximator
  • synonyms
  • limit
  • true meaning


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© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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