• Original research article
  • November 30, 2015
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the creative work by Afzal Tagirov whose name for a long period was listed among “the forgotten” due to socio-political motives, in particular, to his novels “The Red Guards” and “In the Stream”. The chronotope of these novels is under analysis. The paper emphasizes that these literary works are the beautiful examples of word-painting where the author uses the various forms to describe the space and time: the synthesis of historical, literary, subjective and other chronotopes. The researcher focuses on identifying the artistic peculiarities of Afzal Tagirov’s language and style. Relying on the analysis of the literary works, artistic and expressive peculiarities of the novels and chronotope studies, the paper emphasizes the writer’s significance in the literature.


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Author information

Gul'shat Ilshatovna Shaikhrazieva

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 30, 2015.


  • татарская литература
  • Афзал Тагиров
  • роман
  • сюжет
  • хронотоп
  • символ
  • Tatar literature
  • Afzal Tagirov
  • novel
  • plot
  • chronotope
  • symbol


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