• Original research article
  • November 30, 2015
  • Open access



The article considers the interaction of the Adyghe linguistic tradition with the developed oriental literatures, the role of the bright creative individuality in the evolution of literary consciousness, and a place of poetry of the Diaspora in the modern state of the Adyghe literatures (Adyghe, Kabardian, Circassian). Attention is paid to such issues as the themes and ideological orientation of the modern poetry of the Diaspora, and the influence of the Arabic classical literature on the formation of literary worldview of the Adygeyan abroad poets. This article highlights the fact that the main source of their creativity is still the national culture, increased on the basis of their historical homeland.


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Author information

Khamisha Tarkanovich Timizhev

Kabardino-Balkaria Institute of Humanitarian Researches

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 30, 2015.


  • литература адыгского зарубежья
  • эволюция
  • типизация
  • тематический аспект
  • жанры восточной поэзии
  • национальное самосознание
  • индивидуум
  • пессимизм
  • ностальгия
  • literature of the Adygeyan abroad
  • evolution
  • typification
  • thematic aspect
  • genres of oriental poetry
  • national self-awareness
  • individual
  • pessimism
  • nostalgia


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