• Original research article
  • January 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the comparative research of psycholinguistic characteristics of perception of meaning of Russian and English idiomatic concepts “ бедность / poverty ” by the representatives of the Russian linguocultural community. The paper gives a detailed analysis of psycholinguistic studies, devoted to the problems of comprehension and identification of an idiomatic meaning. Based on the analysis of linguistic experiments associative reactions have been revealed, the semantic interpretation of which denotes the peculiarities of representation of the idiomatic meaning, reflecting stereotype ideas of the Russian-speaking students about the English-speaking linguocultural community in comparison with the community that they refer themselves to.


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Author information

Elena Vladimirovna Polyakova

Taganrog Institute named after A. P. Chekhov (Branch) of Rostov State University of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: January 1, 2016.


  • идиоматическое выражение
  • психолингвистический подход
  • ассоциативные реакции
  • идиоматическое значение
  • семантическая интерпретация
  • концепт
  • idiomatic expression
  • psycholinguistic approach
  • associative reactions
  • idiomatic meaning
  • semantic interpretation
  • concept


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