• Original research article
  • March 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article examines the main stages and principles of the study of onomastics in the Ingush language, and in particular, anthroponymy and toponymy. Attention is paid to the fact that many researchers of the onomastic fund of the Ingush language as a result of their studies come to a unified opinion, that the presence of a large number of identical onamalexemes among the peoples of the North Caucasus allows saying about their single anthroponymic fund. Toponymic nominations, presenting an interest from the viewpoint of linguo-ecology, are displayed in the process of the research. While studying the factual material the main characteristics of onomastic units were discovered: the place of formation, semantics and structure. According to structure simple, complex and compound units, expressed by various parts of speech, are revealed.


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Author information

Eset Gerikhanovna Ozdoeva

Ingush State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2016.


  • ингушская ономастика
  • антропонимика
  • топонимика
  • лингвоэкология
  • лингвокультурология
  • этнолингвистика
  • психолингвистика
  • простые, составные и сложные ономалексемы
  • the Ingush onomastics
  • anthroponymy
  • toponymy
  • linguo-ecology
  • linguo-culturology
  • ethno-linguistics
  • psycho-linguistics
  • simple, compound and complex onomalexemes


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