• Original research article
  • March 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article examines the realization of intertextuality in public speeches by Hilary Clinton. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the sources of intertextual inclusions, among which are the speeches of socio-political figures, historical documents, the words of ordinary citizens, jokes, proverbs and sayings, the Bible, classical literature, elements of mass culture. The usage of intertextuality is conditioned by the communicative situation and political views of Hilary Clinton.


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  6. http://globegazette.com/news/iowa/text-of-hillary-clinton-remarks-at-wing-ding/article_3b64810f-b13e-5cd7-9146-c62a572e4677.html (дата обращения: 16.11.2015).
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Author information

Kseniya Yur'evna Rybachuk

Saint-Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2016.


  • интертекстуальность
  • публичное выступление
  • политический дискурс
  • интертекстуальные включения
  • аллюзия
  • цитата
  • intertextuality
  • public speech
  • political discourse
  • intertextual inclusions
  • allusion
  • quotation


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