• Original research article
  • May 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the Tatar and English synonymous representations of a human’s linguistic image expressing the state of calmness. The paper substantiates the position that the correlation and comparison of the languages reflect the methods and character of the interpretation of a separate fragment of reality by the native speakers of these languages, allow determining general and specific features. The author ascertains that a common feature for the Tatar and English languages is the manifestation of calmness in the ability to have a sound view, confidence and firmness, tolerant attitude to people around and nonchalance in behavior; differences are caused by the originality of national consciousness and thinking.


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Author information

Lyutsiya Gumerovna Khismatullina

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 1, 2016.


  • языковая картина мира
  • языковой образ человека
  • антропоцентризм
  • синонимия
  • сопоставительный анализ
  • linguistic worldview
  • human’s linguistic image
  • anthropocentrism
  • synonymy
  • contrastive analysis


© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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