• Original research article
  • July 1, 2016
  • Open access



The current paper postulates the idea of literary movements being the amalgam of romantic and realistic techniques that undergo changes as time goes by. As a short article like this precludes following the history of major literary movements in light of this postulate, this paper explains the rationale behind the postulate and discusses only the literary movement of Postmodernism, as encompassing Realism and Romanticism and the transformation of the last two undergone in the process of making the former.


  1. Тихонова О. В. История зарубежной литературы XIX века. Воронеж: Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2007. 48 с.
  2. Baudrillard J. Symbolic Exchange and Death. London: Sage, 1993. 799 p.
  3. Eco U. Postscript to The Name of the Rose / translated by W. Weaver. N. Y.: Harcourt, 1984. 84 p.
  4. Hart K. Postmodernism: A Beginner's Guide. Oxford: Oneworld, 2004. 192 p.
  5. https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/lit_terms_R.html (дата обращения: 07.03.2015).
  6. http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/periods_of_literature.html (дата обращения: 08.03.2015).
  7. http://writershistory.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=4&id=30&Itemid=43 (дата обращения: 08.02.2015).
  8. http://writershistory.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=4&id=32&Itemid=45 (дата обращения: 08.02.2015).
  9. http://www.online-literature.com/periods/realism.php (дата обращения: 11.02.2015).
  10. McEwan I. Enduring Love: a novel. N. Y.: Nan A. Talese, 1998. 272 p.
  11. McEwan I. Saturday: a novel. N. Y.: Anchor Books, 2006. 304 p.
  12. The New English Bible: New Testament. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1961. 447 p.
  13. Winterson J. Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit. London: Vintage, 2010. 299 p.
  14. Wittgenstein L. Philosophical Investigations. Third Edition, G.E.M / Anscombe translator. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. 250 p.
  15. Zola E. Correspondence (1858-1871). Paris: Editions de Bernauard, 1928. 393 p.

Author information

Khadija Kabla Badalovna Jafarova

Azerbaijan University of Languages

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 1, 2016.


  • литературные течения
  • объективная реальность
  • субъективная реальность
  • “теория Экранов”
  • реализм
  • романтизм
  • постмодернизм
  • literary movements
  • objective reality
  • subjective reality
  • “screen theory”
  • Realism
  • Romanticism
  • Postmodernism


© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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