• Original research article
  • August 1, 2016
  • Open access



This article is a continuation of the previously initiated research on the subject of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities "Hunting and fishing vocabulary in the Tuvinian language ". It is dedicated to the general characteristic of the most common names of fish and whitebaits in the Tuvinian dialects. Ichtyonyms are studied in comparison with the contemporary Tuvinian literary language, and, as far as possible, the materials of some Turkic languages are involved. On the basis of the preliminary analysis the author reveals that the majority of the names of fish is of the Turkic origin. As for the names of whitebaits, they are narrow local formations and some of them are introduced into scientific use for the first time.


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Author information

Elena Mandan-oolovna Kuular

Tuvan State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: August 1, 2016.


  • тувинский язык
  • диалекты
  • ихтионимы
  • тюркские языки
  • сравнение
  • the Tuvinian language
  • dialects
  • ichtyonyms
  • the Turkic languages
  • comparison


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