• Original research article
  • September 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article is devoted to analyzing linguistic sites on which the metaphor corpora of the human inner world are represented. The authors analyze the possibilities for structuring the metaphor corpora taking into account the meaningful and linguistic aspect and considering the development of software satisfying the goals of corpora and linguistic studies. The paper justifies the development prospects of the site “The Human Inner World in Metaphors” being developed by the authors.


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Author information

Yuliya Vladimirovna Golovneva

Far Eastern Federal University

Sergei Borisovich Misyuk

Far Eastern Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 1, 2016.


  • метафоры внутреннего мира человека
  • метафоры сознания
  • корпусная лингвистика
  • лингвистические сайты
  • база данных
  • структурирование собраний метафор
  • metaphors of the human inner world
  • metaphors of consciousness
  • corpus linguistics
  • linguistic sites
  • data base
  • structuring the metaphor corpora


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© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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