• Original research article
  • November 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article discusses the creation of the folklore-ethnographic context in the novel by K. Nerbyshev “At the Blue Rocks”. In this regard, the author investigates the writer’s use of folklore elements, ethnographic facts and realities. The author comes to the conclusion that proverbs and sayings, songs, takhpakhi (lyric adversary song, addressed to a person), wedding and funeral rites, the description of details of everyday life, customs of people give national identity to the novel, help K. Nerbyshev to reveal the theme of the work and the protagonists’ characters.


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  4. Котожеков Г. Г. Культура народов Саяно-Алтайского нагорья. Абакан: Хакасское кн. изд-во, 1992. 193 с.
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  6. Нербышев Н. Т. Кöгiм хорымнарда. Абакан: Хакасское кн. изд-во, 1983. 207 с.
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Author information

Larisa Viktorovna Cheltygmasheva

Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 1, 2016.


  • фольклорно-этнографический контекст
  • традиции фольклора
  • фольклорные жанры
  • этнографические реалии
  • обычаи
  • обрядность
  • этнопоэтика
  • folklore-ethnographic context
  • folklore traditions
  • folklore genres
  • ethnographic realities
  • customs
  • ritualism
  • ethno-poetics


© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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