• Original research article
  • February 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article provides a theoretical justification of author’s contextual thesaurus-based model to understand oral scientific speech. The study focuses on the strategies to process scientific information, in particular, the author mentions the following ones: strategies to compress and separate information streams, key words search, advanced context activation, acquiring deeper and more detailed context, categorization, classification and systematization of the perceived information, constructing mental representations and understanding new information. These strategies along with the individual data processing strategies form the operational basis of general macro-strategy by which the denotative structure of the perceived scientific text is reproduced.


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Author information

Sergei Ivanovich Lebedinskii

Belarusian State University, Minsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 1, 2017.


  • модели понимания речи
  • понимание устной научной речи
  • стратегии понимания устной научной речи
  • прогностические модели
  • контекст
  • насыщение и детализация контекста
  • стратегии опережающей активации контекста
  • конструирование репрезентаций
  • конструирование концептуальной структуры
  • когнитивные стили
  • models to understand speech
  • understanding of oral scientific speech
  • strategies to understand oral scientific speech
  • prognostic models
  • context
  • broadening and detailing the context
  • strategies of advanced context activation
  • constructing representations
  • formation of conceptual structure
  • cognitive styles


© 2017 The Author(s)
© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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