• Original research article
  • March 1, 2017
  • Open access



This article analyzes “the Scotch time” on the basis of two types of temporal organization of poetic texts of the Scottish poets-emigrants: ring and purposeful. It is stated that the ring temporal organization is represented by the image of the homeland as “Eternal Scotland”, a purposeful temporal organization is realized in the historical time (in diachrony: Scotland since the days of Robert the Bruce to Scotland contemporary to authors).


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  2. Элиаде М. Аспекты мифа / пер. с фр. В. П. Большакова. Изд-е 4-е. М.: Академический проект, 2010. 251 с.
  3. Элиаде М. Миф о вечном возвращении / пер. с фр. М.: Ладомир, 2000. 420 с.
  4. Bumsted J. M. The People's Clearance: Highland Emigration to British North America 1770-1815. Edinburg: Edinburgh University Press, 1981. 200 p.
  5. Kennedy J. Noran Water // The Scottish and American poems of James Kennedy. N. Y.: J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., 1920. P. 44-47.
  6. Ross P. Scot in America. N. Y.: The Raeburn Book Company, 1896. 446 p.
  7. Scotland: A History / ed. by J. Wormald. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 310 p.
  8. Scotland and Europe, 1200-1850 / ed. by T. C. Smout. Edinburg: BRILL, 1986. 250 p.
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Author information

Liliya Raimovna Velilaeva

V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2017.


  • Шотландия
  • «шотландское время»
  • эмиграционистика
  • США
  • поэт-эмигрант
  • Scotland
  • “the Scotch time”
  • emigration studies
  • the USA
  • poet-emigrant


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© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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