• Original research article
  • May 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article reveals the functional and semantic field of ideological images and the diversity and originality of mythological motives in the Tatar poetry of the 1920-1930s by the material of M. Cälil’s and Kh. Tufan’s creative works. During the research it is ascertained that in their works the ideological symbols act as a structure-formative component. As the result of the analysis, the main lines of interpretation of such image-symbols are identified. The evaluation of works in the ideological and aesthetic integrity, made from new methodological perspectives, allows singling out new facets of development in the history of the Tatar poetry of the 1920-1930s.


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Author information

Nurfiya Marsovna Yusupova

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 1, 2017.


  • идеологический образ
  • символ
  • интерпретация
  • функция
  • мифологический мотив
  • татарская поэзия
  • ideological image
  • symbol
  • interpretation
  • function
  • mythological motive
  • Tatar poetry


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