• Original research article
  • July 1, 2017
  • Open access



In the article phrasal verbs of the English language and their role as a stylistic device “periphrasis” in the colloquial everyday English language are analyzed. The research is carried out by the material of the utterances recorded by stenography and presented in films. The film in this article is considered as a special kind of a pre-planned communication situation in which the living language of a certain time period is presented and the peculiarities of the choice of linguistic means by the representatives of a particular social group are taken into account. A phrasal verb is regarded as an integral part of the colloquial functional style of the English language and as a linguistic means that forms and regulates the level of emotional expressiveness of the utterance and its illocutionary force.


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Author information

Ol'ga Petrovna Dmitrieva

Moscow Region State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 1, 2017.


  • кинематограф
  • разговорный функциональный стиль
  • фразеология
  • фразовый глагол
  • эмоциональная выразительность
  • эмоциональная экспрессивность
  • иллокутивная сила высказывания
  • перифраз
  • cinematograph
  • colloquial functional style
  • phraseology
  • phrasal verb
  • emotional expressiveness
  • illocutionary force of utterance
  • periphrasis


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