• Original research article
  • September 1, 2017
  • Open access



Peter Ackroyd, working in the context of the genre of historiographic novel, develops his own view on history, creates his own conception of time, which becomes an integral part of his novels, including “The Plato Papers” (1999) and “The Fall of Troy” (2005), conditionally named “antique”, since this historical period, the individuals and images associated with it are plot- and meaning-forming in these works. The author states that Peter Ackroyd adheres to a postmodern approach to the depiction of history, according to which it is impossible to represent the past objectively, since history is a set of texts, each of which anyone can interpret in his own way. The author denies the linear conception of the flow of time: for him, the past, the present and the future co-exist and influence one another; the plots that took place in the past are repeated in the present. Thus, embodying the conceptions inherent in the aesthetics of postmodernism, Peter Ackroyd enriches them with his own vision of the worldview, man, history.


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Author information

Elena Dmitrievna Nushtaeva

Moscow State University of Education

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 1, 2017.


  • постмодернизм
  • Питер Акройд
  • историографический роман
  • концепция истории
  • миф о пяти веках
  • линейное время
  • postmodernism
  • Peter Ackroyd
  • historiographic novel
  • conception of history
  • myth about five centuries
  • linear time


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