• Original research article
  • October 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the study of language as a means of communication in a dynamic aspect, real functioning requiring consideration of the problem of human factor. Man’s cognition is impossible without referring to a language; nature and essence of the language can be understood and explained completely only on the basis of human being and his worldview. The notion of deixis is necessary to describe the relationship of a language with the place and time of pronouncing a particular utterance, discovering the relationship with the moment of speech. The practical importance of the article is determined by the fact that its results can be used in teaching practice: when reading the course of the modern Russian language, seminars on functional grammar.


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Author information

Veronika Vladimirovna Varlamova

Samara State Technical University (Branch) in Belebey

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 1, 2017.


  • субъективность в языке
  • шифтеры
  • коммуникативное значение языкового элемента
  • временной и пространственный дейксис
  • пространственно-временная локализация
  • точка отсчёта (момент восприятия)
  • subjectivity in language
  • shifters
  • communicative meaning of linguistic element
  • temporal and spatial deixis
  • spatio-temporal localization
  • reference point (moment of perception)


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