• Original research article
  • October 1, 2017
  • Open access



The analysis of William Blake’s lyrics and poems allows revealing the main patterns of the construction of the author’s metaphor, establishing both integral features of the author’s creative work, and the characteristics that differentiate the genres. The article presents the comparative analysis of realization of the metaphor in “The Book of Thel”, belonging to the first period of the prophetic books, with the representation of the metaphor in the works “Milton” and “Jerusalem”, belonging to the second period of the prophetic books.


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Author information

Irina Olegovna Baburchenkova

Smolensk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 1, 2017.


  • индивидуальный стиль
  • метафора
  • лирика
  • поэма
  • пророческие книги
  • Уильям Блейк
  • «Книга Тэля»
  • «Иерусалим»
  • «Мильтон»
  • individual style
  • metaphor
  • lyrics
  • poem
  • prophetic books
  • William Blake
  • “The Book of Thel”
  • “Jerusalem”
  • “Milton”


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