• Original research article
  • November 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article describes etymological pecularities of certain oronyms in the English language. The author examines the origin of oronym names, their formation and the ways of development, identifies oronym etymological peculiarities relying on the examples from English fiction. The paper concludes that oronym etymological peculiarities are of great importance not only for naming relief structure or rock properties but also for other geographical names.


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Author information

Yasaman Takhmaz gyzy Ismailova

Baku Slavic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 1, 2017.


  • оронимы
  • топонимы
  • этимологические особенности
  • английский язык
  • древние памятники
  • словосочетание
  • oronyms
  • toponyms
  • etymological peculiarities
  • English language
  • ancient monuments
  • word-combination


© 2017 The Author(s)
© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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