• Original research article
  • December 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article considers one of the theories of contact languages (pidgin) development - the theory of a pragmatic code. According to this theory, pidgin is not a product of language simplification, but of its complete restructuring. After passing through “the pragmatic code” stage, the pidgin begins to evolve according to a completely different model. An attempt is made to determine the main directions of this development. As the research shows contact languages (pidgins) acquire the characteristics of isolating languages in the process of development.


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Author information

Alina Yur'evna Sokolova

Tver State Medical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 1, 2017.


  • контактные языки
  • пиджин
  • теория прагматического кода
  • стадия «прагматического кода»
  • процесс пиджинизации
  • изолирующие языки
  • contact languages
  • pidgin
  • pragmatic code theory
  • stage of “pragmatic code”
  • process of pidginization
  • isolating languages


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© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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