• Original research article
  • January 1, 2018
  • Open access



This article examines the history of surnames origin in the English language. Examples of the English surnames derived from words of different languages are given. The authors propose the division of surnames according to their origin, taking into account the first name of the ancestor, his residence, as well as social status, occupation, description of his appearance, character and habits. The relevance of the paper is conditioned by the fact that the presented division of the most common surnames according to etymological features gives a more complete picture of the origin of the English surnames and their semantic meanings.


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  2. Рыбакин А. И. Словарь английских личных имен: 4000 имен. Изд. 3-е, испр. М.: Астрель; АСТ, 2000. 224 с.
  3. Рыбакин А. И. Словарь английских фамилий. М.: АСТ, 2000. 576 с.
  4. Словарь иностранных слов / гл. ред. Ф. Н. Петров. Изд. 12-е. М.: Русский язык, 1985. 608 с.
  5. Domesday Book: A Complete Translation / ed. by A. Williams, G. Martin. L.: Penguin Classics, 2003. 1447 p.
  6. Reaney P., Wilson R. Dictionary of English Surnames. L.: Oxford University Press, 2006. 594 p.

Author information

Elena Vladimirovna Kuritskaya

Branch of Military Educational-Scientific Centre of the Navy “N. G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy” in Kaliningrad

Kseniya Andreevna Degtyarenko

Branch of Military Educational-Scientific Centre of the Navy “N. G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy” in Kaliningrad

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: January 1, 2018.


  • фамилии
  • прозвища
  • происхождение
  • древнеанглийский язык
  • топонимы
  • суффиксальный формант
  • префиксальный формант
  • агентивный суффикс
  • surnames
  • nicknames
  • origin
  • Old English
  • toponyms
  • suffixal formant
  • prefix formant
  • agentive suffix


© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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