• Original research article
  • February 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article identifies the similarity of motives in the creative work of the Russian poet Konstantin Balmont (1867-1942) and the Yakut poet Ivan Arbita (1913-1943). The study focuses on the problem of self-identification of poets of different nationalities and epochs. Konstantin Balmont is nearly half a century older than Ivan Arbita. Ivan Arbita considered himself a disciple of the Russian symbolists, V. Bryusov, V. Khlebnikov and K. Balmont were authority figures for the young Yakut poet. Both of them were gifted translators, many of their literary translations are considered classical. Their original poetical works are called “sunny”, the motive of narcissism sounds quite similar. Indeed, their poetry is very musical, melodious.


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Author information

Elena Afanas'evna Arkhipova

M.K. Ammosov North Eastern Federal University

Lyudmila Pavlovna Grigor'eva

M.K. Ammosov North Eastern Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 1, 2018.


  • К. Бальмонт
  • И. Арбита
  • русская литература
  • якутская литература
  • поэт
  • поэзия
  • мотивы
  • самоидентификация
  • образ «Я»
  • образ Солнца
  • K. Balmont
  • I. Arbita
  • Russian literature
  • Yakut literature
  • poet
  • poetry
  • motives
  • self-identification
  • “Me” image
  • Sun image


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