• Original research article
  • February 1, 2018
  • Open access



The poem “He Who Found a Horseshoe (Pindaric Fragment)” is often referred to as the periphery of O. Mandelshtam’s poetical system: the technique in which it is written is not typical for the author. The untypical for the poet comes out to be meaningful in the history of literature: the text fits well into the typical for Silver Age category of free verse, i.e. is similar to such manifestations of the non-metrical which are rare in the creative work of a poet who is critical about “free verse”. Such non-metrical poems do not claim to challenge the tradition (on the contrary, they take their origin from the ancient past) and appear in the context of eschatological motives. The article tries to identify the place of the poem in the history of poetical genres and proposes a hypothesis on the important role of “Pindaric Fragment” in historical poetics.


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Author information

Ol'ga Evgen'evna Reinbakh

Ivanovo State University (Branch) in Shuya

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 1, 2018.


  • историческая поэтика
  • жанр
  • ода
  • отрывок
  • большие стихотворения
  • «Нашедший подкову»
  • О. Мандельштам
  • historical poetics
  • genre
  • ode
  • fragment
  • large-scale poems
  • “He Who Found a Horseshoe”
  • O. Mandelshtam


© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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