• Original research article
  • March 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article is devoted to analyzing the spy novel by Johannes Mario Simmel in the German literature of “cold war” period. The author studies the genre dominant of J. M. Simmel’s spy novels, considers genre specificity of the spy novel of the middle of the XX century in the context of historical events, taking into account the fact of the writer’s participation in the activity of the German secret service. The paper shows that the spy novel genre was the most efficient to express the “cold war” ideology in the German and western literature. It was a period when literary consciousness began to form the image of an enemy, identi-fied and broken down by the security service.


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Author information

Lilya Islyamovna Lyatifova

Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2018.


  • Й. М. Зиммель
  • жанр
  • жанровая доминанта
  • жанровая идентификация
  • шпионский роман
  • герой
  • J. M. Simmel
  • genre
  • genre dominant
  • genre identification
  • spy novel
  • hero


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