• Original research article
  • March 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article deals with the specificity of the representation of the financial and economic terminological space in the language of science. It is shown that the extra-linguistic reality plays an important role in the processes of its formation. Conclusions are drawn that the processes of terminological derivation in the sublanguage of economics in the Russian national language are carried out according to specialized cognitive models, the result of which is terminological units, heterogeneous in structure and degree of specialty, forming the language of science of this epistemological region. The financial and economic terminology of the national language also represents, in addition to socio-historical, cultural and scientific-industrial aspects, the ethics of business relations, the ethics of business (entrepreneurship), which is the ethical basis of both the entire economics and the financial and economic sublanguage in general.


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Author information

Elena Nikolaevna Achilova

Kuban State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2018.


  • финансово-экономическая сфера
  • термин
  • этика
  • терминологический семиозис
  • принцип учёта экстралингвистических факторов
  • принцип деривационности
  • номинация
  • теория деривации
  • термин-знак
  • financial and economic sphere
  • term
  • ethics
  • terminological semiosis
  • principle of accounting for extra-linguistic factors
  • derivation principle
  • nomination
  • theory of derivation
  • term-sign


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