• Original research article
  • June 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article reveals the content of the interdisciplinary notion “idiostyle”, which is actively debated in linguistics and literary criticism. Considering Urs Widmer’s idiostyle, the author analyzes the markers typical of postmodernist texts using the example of a single story. Similar markers are revealed in a number of other works of the writer. Attention is also accentuated on the interrelation between the verbal and content features of the work; the latter are discovered by the example of the analyzed story using the literary approach. Synthesis of interrelated linguo-poetic and literary methods is thus presented as an optimal variant in the study of the writer’s idiostyle.


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Author information

Irina Aleksandrovna Stikhina

Ural State University of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 4, 2018.
  • Published: June 1, 2018.


  • идиостиль
  • Урс Видмер
  • маркеры
  • постмодернистский текст
  • лингвопоэтика
  • литературоведение
  • idiostyle
  • Urs Widmer
  • markers
  • postmodernist text
  • linguo-poetics
  • literary studies


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