• Original research article
  • July 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article makes the first attempt of the comparative-contrastive analysis of the spiritual and creative searches of the poet of the Great War Edward Thomas and the Victorian poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, known primarily for their lyric poems about nature. As continuers of the romantic tradition, both tried to discover the “hidden spiritual power of nature” again, which was felt by the writers of this trend, and access to which had seemed lost by the time of the poets under consideration. The author shows that “ecocentrism” of the former allowed him to come close to the world attitude of romantic poets, while separation from reality and withdrawal into himself brought the latter into a spiritual impasse.


  1. Английский сонет XVI-XIX веков: сборник / сост. А. Л. Зорин; на англ. яз. с параллельным русским текстом. М.: Радуга, 1989. 698 с.
  2. Лойола И. Духовные упражнения / пер. С. Лихаревой // Символ. 1991. № 26. С. 15-120.
  3. Gray P. Marginal Men: Edward Thomas; Ivor Gurney; J. R. Ackerley. L.: Macmillan, 1991. VIII+190 p.
  4. Harris D. A. Inspirations Unbidden, the “Terrible Sonnets” of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. XV+174 p.
  5. Kirkham M. The Imagination of Edward Thomas. N. Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2010. XII+225 p.
  6. Miller J. H. The Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-century Writers. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000. XXV+367 p.
  7. Muller J. Gerard Manley Hopkins: а Heart in Hiding. N. Y.: Routledge, 2004. X+131 p.
  8. Roberts G. Selected Poems of Edward Thomas. L.: Macmillan Education, 1988. VIII+88 p.
  9. Storey G. A Preface to Hopkins. N. Y.: Routledge, 2013. 159 p.
  10. The Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Ware: Wordsworth Editions, 1994. XVII+157 p.
  11. Thomas E. A Literary Pilgrim in England. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1917. X+330 p.
  12. Thomas E. In Pursuit of Spring. L.: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1914. 301 p.
  13. Thomas E. The Annotated Collected Poems / ed. by E. Longley. Tarset: Bloodaxe Books, 2013. 332 p.
  14. Thomas E. The Country. L.: B. T. Batsford, 1913. 60 p.

Author information

Elena Viktorovna Talyzina

Samara State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 1, 2018.
  • Published: July 1, 2018.


  • поэзия Великой войны
  • викторианская поэзия
  • романтическая традиция
  • лирика природы
  • поэтика «экоцентризма»
  • Э. Томас
  • Дж. М. Хопкинс
  • poetry of the Great War
  • Victorian poetry
  • romantic tradition
  • lyrics of nature
  • poetics of “ecocentrism”
  • E. Thomas
  • Gerard Manley Hopkins


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