• Original research article
  • July 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article analyzes the actual concept of linguistic expertise of translation and determines its place in linguistic expertology. The substantiation of the difference between the expert opinion and the usual translation quality assessment is a fundamentally new approach to this problem. In connection with this, modern concepts of equivalence, types and methods of determining translation errors in correlation with the objectives of the expert opinion are touched upon. An attempt is made to systematize linguistic (interlingual correspondence, directed equivalence, linguistic norms, etc.), communicative-psychological (communicative intention, translation creativity, emotive evaluation system, recipient’s response), information (text depth, static and dynamic information, etc.) and logical (opinion, judgment, statement) tools of linguistic expertise of translation. Preliminary conclusions based on the conducted research can contribute to increasing the effectiveness of forensic linguistic expertise of translation, and also prove useful in the process of preparing translators for expert activity.


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Author information

Tamara Anatol'evna Kazakova

Saint Petersburg University

Andrei Valentinovich Achkasov

Saint Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 20, 2018.
  • Published: July 1, 2018.


  • экспертиза перевода
  • оценка качества перевода
  • коммуникативное намерение
  • направленная эквивалентность
  • информационная глубина текста
  • экспертное заключение
  • translation expertise
  • translation quality assessment
  • communicative intention
  • directed equivalence
  • information depth of text
  • expert opinion


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