• Original research article
  • July 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article presents an analysis of the grammatical theme “A Proper Name in the German Language” in the methodological perspective, which allows identifying certain aspects that cause difficulties in studying them by non-linguistic specialty university students. The author considers the features of proper names functioning, gives examples of their use, and presents a scientific and methodological commentary on the system of the step-by-step work on preventing errors in the use of the article before the proper name. The paper argues the necessity of its implementation in the practice of teaching the German language at a non-linguistic university.


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Author information

Valentina Nikolaevna Kartashova

Bunin Yelets State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 27, 2018.
  • Published: July 1, 2018.


  • немецкий язык
  • имя собственное
  • особенности функционирования
  • неязыковое направление бакалавриата
  • трудности изучения
  • поэтапная система обучения
  • German language
  • proper name
  • peculiarities of functioning
  • non-linguistic specialty of undergraduate studies
  • difficulties of studying
  • step-by-step system of training


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© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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