• Original research article
  • August 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article compares the work of the American poet Robert Frost and the British poet Edward Thomas, who were bound with strong and fruitful “Parnassus” friendship, although short-lived because of the latter’s death in the First World War. Thomas, a prominent literary critic, strengthened Frost’s poetic reputation, who, in turn, contributed to his self-expression in poetry. Also, creative kinship united the poets. Both, independently of each other, developed the theory of “poetry for the ear” avoiding extremes. Both, preferring rural life to urban one, wrote on the theme of nature, and each created his own unique poetic microcosm. The author shows te similarities and differences of these poetic worlds.


  1. Английская поэзия в русских переводах. XX век: сборник / сост. Л. М. Аринштейн, Н. К. Сидорина, В. А. Скороденко. М.: Радуга, 1984. 846 с.
  2. Ионкис Г. Э. Английская поэзия первой половины XX века. М.: Высшая школа, 1967. 96 с.
  3. Фрост Р. Стихи: сборник / сост. и общ. ред. перев. Ю. А. Здоровова. М.: Радуга, 1986. 432 с.
  4. Elected Friends: Robert Frost and Edward Thomas to one another / ed. by M. Spencer; foreword by M. Hofmann; afterword by Ch. Ricks. N. Y.: Other Press LLC, 2012. xlii+218 p.
  5. Hollis M. Now All Roads Lead to France: The Last Years of Edward Thomas. L.: Faber & Faber, 2012. xviii+389 p.
  6. Kendall T. The Art of Robert Frost. New Haven - L.: Yale University Press, 2012. xvi+392 p.
  7. Kirkham M. The Imagination of Edward Thomas. N. Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2010. xii+225 p.
  8. Longley E. Under the Same Moon: Edward Thomas and the English Lyric. L.: Enitharmon Press, 2017. 302 p.
  9. The Letters of Robert Frost: in 5 vol. / ed. by D. Sheehy, M. Richardson, and R. Faggen. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014. Vol. I. 1886-1920. xxiv+811 p.
  10. Thomas E. The Annotated Collected Poems / ed. by E. Longley. Tarset: Bloodaxe Books, 2013. 332 p.
  11. Thomas E. The South Country. L.: J. M. Dent & Co, 1909. xii+280 p.
  12. Thomas E. Walter Pater: A Critical Study. L.: Martin Secker, 1913. 232 p.

Author information

Elena Viktorovna Talyzina

Samara State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 6, 2018.
  • Published: August 1, 2018.


  • Эдвард Томас
  • Роберт Фрост
  • поэзия XX века
  • тема природы
  • пейзажные описания
  • «стихи для слуха»
  • поэтический микрокосм
  • Edward Thomas
  • Robert Frost
  • poetry of the XX century
  • theme of nature
  • landscape description
  • “poetry for the ear”
  • poetic microcosm


© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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