• Original research article
  • September 1, 2018
  • Open access



In the article, the analysis of the novel “Being Abbas al-Abd” by the Egyptian writer Ahmed Alaidy is presented. It is concluded that this novel is a chronicle of the madness of a young Egyptian, and at the same time, a cry of the generation of the end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century, who were born after the defeat of the Arabs by Israel in the Six-Day War in 1967. The tangle of distressing reality and painful fantasies causes the uncommunicativeness and alienation of Abbas al-Abd and leads to the insane actions of the young man. Sharing with the novel’s hero his madness, dividing his depression into pieces, the writer achieves the fact that the reader has a positive psychotherapeutic effect.


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  6. Шкловский В. Б. «Преступление и наказание». Поиски легального исхода из коллизии Раскольникова: роль Разумихина и Свидригайлова // Шкловский В. Б. Повести о прозе. М.: Художественная литература, 1966. С. 261-265.
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Author information

Tat'yana Anatol'evna Vavichkina

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Yuliya Evgen'evna Vlasova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 13, 2018.
  • Published: September 1, 2018.


  • египетский писатель Ахмед Аль-Айди
  • современная арабская литература
  • роман «хроника одного безумия»
  • герой и его двойник
  • поколение аутичных людей
  • проблемы отчужденности и некоммуникабельности человека в обществе
  • Egyptian writer Ahmed Alaidy
  • modern Arabic literature
  • novel “chronicle of one madness”
  • hero and his double
  • generation of autistic people
  • problems of alienation and uncommunicativeness of person in society


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