In the article, the author analyzes “Life of Saint Columba” in terms of how the old, pagan, and the new, Christian, traditions interact in this work at the level of its genre structure. The subject of the analysis is the Scottish saint Columba and the historical and biographical context. “Life of Saint Columba” demonstrates two trends simultaneously. On the one hand, the hagiographer shows the spiritual path of his hero as the rejection of the traditional warlike model of heroism and the use of a new heroic model - spiritual missionary work. On the other hand, “Life of Saint Columba” focuses primarily on Columba’s miracles and revelations.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: August 16, 2018.
- Published: October 1, 2018.
- герой
- святой
- раннее Средневековье
- христианство
- язычество
- жанр
- тип текста
- Св. Колумба
- hero
- saint
- early Middle Ages
- Christianity
- paganism
- genre
- type of text
- St. Columba
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