The paper is concerned with the basic syntactic units transformations termed “metamorphism”. In English, these transformations appear as simple insertions of a phrase or sentence into another phrase or sentence as a part of the latter. In new syntactic context, phrases and sentences are given the status of the lexical units of the varying degrees of usage. It is this kind of metamorphism that makes English different from the kindred Indo-European languages. The present research is focused on the transformations of phrases into verbs and nouns resulting from their relative position in new syntactic context.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: August 16, 2018.
- Published: October 1, 2018.
- метаморфизм
- транспозиция
- омонимия
- номинализация словосочетаний
- инкорпорация
- синтаксический контекст
- metamorphism
- transposition
- homonymy
- nominalization of phrases
- incorporation
- syntactic context
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