• Original research article
  • November 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article deals with the wine image in the creative work of Wang Ji (585-644), one of the first poets of the Tang dynasty. Wine, being a constant companion of Wang Ji, plays a peculiar role in his creativity. Wang Ji questions the meaning of time spent in sobriety. Is it worth living as long as you like, if you cannot do what you want? It is better to live freely, indulging in inspiration, than to drive yourself into the rigid framework of Confucianism. For Wang Ji wine, acting as the metonym of all the worldly joys, is a way of getting rid of melancholy, a means of forgetting cares, an escape from reality to the world of illusory impressions.


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  4. Сун Ц. Вино в социокультурном ландшафте России и Китая: дисс. … к.и.н. Астрахань, 2015. 234 с.
  5. Федоренко Н. Т. Китайская классическая поэзия. Эпоха Тан. М.: ГИХЛ, 1956. 432 с.
  6. Эйдлин Л. З. Поэзия эпохи Тан (VII-X вв.). М.: Худож. лит., 1987. 479 с.
  7. Owen S. The poetry of the Early Tang. Harvard University Asia Center, 2012. 446 p.
  8. 王绩。王舞功文集。上海:古籍出版社,1987。272 页 (Ван Цзи. Собрание сочинений Ван Угуна. Шанхай: Древняя литература, 1987. 272 с.).

Author information

Anna Viktorovna Lebedeva

Sakhalin State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 2, 2018.
  • Published: November 1, 2018.


  • танская поэзия
  • стихи
  • вино
  • культура вина
  • одиночество
  • поэтическое опьянение
  • состояние цзуй
  • похмелье
  • Ван Цзи
  • Tang poetry
  • poems
  • wine
  • wine culture
  • loneliness
  • poetic intoxication
  • condition of zui
  • hangover
  • Wang Ji


© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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