• Original research article
  • December 15, 2018
  • Open access



The article is devoted to studying the symbolism of the Kabardian-Circassian phraseological units expressing negative emotions. The world of national images is represented by linguistic symbols. The symbol is associated with the object or natural phenomenon and performs the function of the metaphorical reconstruction of specific images. Most clearly symbols are represented in phraseology. Images-symbols express the peculiarities of national psychology. The figurative palette of phraseology becomes particularly extensive when transferring negative emotions: rage, fear, sorrow.


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Author information

Nadezhda Umarovna Vorokova

North Caucasian State Institute of Arts

Nina Gumarovna Sherieva

Institute for the Humanities Research - Branch of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 2, 2018.
  • Published: December 15, 2018.


  • языковой символ
  • культурные символы
  • тропеизация
  • метафора
  • идиоматика
  • фразеологический оборот
  • внутренняя форма
  • базовая эмоция
  • менталитет народа
  • ассоциативный ряд
  • негативные эмоции
  • linguistic symbol
  • cultural symbols
  • tropeization
  • metaphor
  • idiomatics
  • phraseological phrase
  • internal form
  • basic emotion
  • national mentality
  • associative series
  • negative emotions


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© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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