• Original research article
  • December 28, 2018
  • Open access



The article for the first time in domestic literary criticism considers the artistic conception of a personality in the prose of the modern Russian writer L. A. Sycheva; this research area has not been previously studied. It is shown that the comprehension of the conception of a personality is possible only when referring to its typology. The author identifies the typology of personages in the story “Girls, Boys…”, evaluates different personality types (Christian, ambivalent, egocentric) from the metaphysical, spiritual and moral view, examines the main personages’ value system expressed by this typology.


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  3. Колобаева Л. А. Художественная концепция личности в русской литературе рубежа XIX-XX веков (1890-1907): дисс. … д. филол. н. М., 1987. 435 с.
  4. Педченко В. А. Художественная концепция личности в прозе В. Г. Галактионовой и А. А. Трапезникова конца ХХ - начала ХХІ в.: автореф. дисс. … к. филол. н. Краснодар, 2012. 23 с.
  5. Сычёва Л. А. Уже и больные замуж повыходили. М.: АСТ; Астрель, 2008. 317 с.

Author information

Ilona Levonovna Balayan

Armavir State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 11, 2017.
  • Published: December 28, 2018.


  • Л. А. Сычёва
  • личность
  • художественная концепция личности
  • типология личности
  • соборный тип личности
  • амбивалентный тип личности
  • эгоцентрический тип личности
  • L. A. Sycheva
  • personality
  • artistic conception of personality
  • personality typology
  • conciliar personality type
  • ambivalent personality type
  • egocentric personality type


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© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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